Enhanced Recyclers International

Enhanced Recyclers International, LLC is in business to recycle waste cooking oil into marketable consumer products using an exclusive patented rendering process.

Rendering facilities have been recycling waste cooking oil long before rendering was considered “Green”; however, traditional plants are large, expensive and energy inefficient operations that are generally located outside high-density areas due (in part) to the odor they create.  Enhanced Recyclers International, LLC challenges the conventional rendering process by setting up a low cost, energy efficient, environmentally friendly plant that can be located near waste cooking oil sources thus eliminating costly transportation and fossil fuel consumption. Odors are non-detectable outside the plant premises because patented Newave® technology allows us to process the product at the molecular level with minimal heat. This process meets two critical needs:

1.    We provide the first “green” alternative to the rendering industry, replacing traditional boilers with Newave® technology.

2.    We help meet the growing demand for alternate fuel sources, providing a quality feedstock for bio-diesel, as well as exceeding product expectations for animal feed, cosmetics, and plastics.

ERI patented this Newave® system after 20 years of research and development. Today, this system yields a consistent, high quality feedstock at extremely low operating costs in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
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